
The package is is actively developed and new versions are released to the python package repository. The source is hosted on gitlab for both the development (master branch) and released (release branch) versions.


Python version 3.x is currently supported (Python 2.x support was dropped in v0.1.12). The fpd package depends upon the following packages:

  • numpy
  • scipy
  • scikit-image
  • matplotlib
  • h5py>=2.10.0
  • tqdm
  • threadpoolctl
  • hdf5plugin
  • psutil

With the following optional packages:

  • hyperspy

Most of the required packages are included as standard in the majority of distributions, and all can be installed through pip, either manually or automatically when installing the fpd package.

HyperSpy has many useful features and is an optional dependency in the fpd package (as of v0.2.5) used for reading Digital Micrograph files. Almost all of the fpd package can be used without Hyperspy being installed.


Release version

The easiest way to install the package on any platform is to use pip (or pip3):

pip3 install --user fpd

The --user option installs the package to your local folder, avoiding any file permission issues.

Development Version

To install from source, download or clone the master (development) version from the repository and, in the package directory, run:

pip3 install --user .

To clone the repository, open a terminal and run:

git clone

An archive can be downloaded from here.

Upgrading and Uninstalling

In all of the above install commands, -U can be added to force an upgrade or reinstall. When used in combination with --no-deps, only the fpd package will be reinstalled.

The package can be removed with:

pip3 uninstall fpd

Optional Dependences

The above commands install only the required dependences. To also install HyperSpy at the same time, simply add [HS] to the package name:

pip3 uninstall fpd[HS]

HypserSpy has many dependences and can sometimes be difficult to install. Full install instructions for it can be found at: